The Jagdtiger was a German WWII heavy tank destroyer. The first prototypes of the vehicle were made in 1943, and serial production continued in the period 1944-1945, ending with the production of only 88 cars. The Jagdtiger was powered by a 700hp Maybach HL 230 P30 single engine. Its primary armament was the powerful 128mm PaK 44 L / 55 gun and one 7.92mm MG34 or MG 42 machine gun.
The Jagdtiger was created at the Henschel factory in connection with an order from the Reich Armaments Office in August 1943 for a vehicle that could be armed with a new 128mm gun. The new vehicle was based on the modified chassis of the Pzkpfw VI Ausf tank. B (Tiger II). In the end, the heaviest armored vehicle of World War II was created, weighing as much as 75 tons, with weapons that could destroy enemy tanks at distances of up to 3500-4000 meters, and well-armored. At the same time, it was characterized by terrible maneuverability, very low top speed, definitely too weak engine and high susceptibility to faults - especially the gearbox. The Jagdtiger tank destroyers served in two heavy tank destroyer battalions, 512 and 653, from September 1944, fighting primarily on the Western Front.